To make effective strategic decisions, companies need to know their actual financial situation. We started here when we imagined our BICTA software platform. As a matter of fact, it has proven to be an essential tool that has allowed many organisations to accelerate knowledge and reduce errors.
CFOs, treasurers and credit managers and their teams have the opportunity to operate on the basis of a wealth of consistent, correct and up-to-date data, automatically aligning payment flows with treasury management and the banking system.
For any information contact us.
011 9682232
011 9665399

Create knowledge, reduce errors, synchronise payments generated by all apps and automatically align financial flows with the company treasury and banking system. With BICTA working autonomously to manage all the interfacing, reporting, control, and process automation, CFOs, treasurers and credit managers and their teams can devote their time to strategic activities for the core business of their companies.
The synchronisation of all payment, collection and reporting methods (banking, Open Banking PSP, PayPal, Amazon, Setefi/Nexi, and SDI-compliant e-invoices) takes place through the WikiHUB middleware, enabling the service to be immediately accessible within the BICTA technological platform, in clients’ management systems or on their websites.

Bicta Accounting
We have combined our financial and banking experience with the best technological and IT expertise. This has given rise to our fintech soul, which has brought BICTA to life along with consulting services that help companies optimise the governance and performance of financial flows.
We can count on an understanding of the dynamics of the financial and banking markets at an international level. Through our Swiss subsidiary, Blockchain Research SA, which technically develops the BICTA platform, we introduce product evolutions that ensure regulatory compliance and constantly align the management of financial flows with the latest technological and management innovations.
We pay constant attention to all the news that emerges in the banking and financial sectors. We respond in a timely manner by integrating our BICTA platform with the most innovative, robust and secure technologies that enable CFOs and their teams to automate payment flows and reconciliation, generating knowledge, freeing up resources and reducing errors.

Franco Ferioli Alessio

Valter Basellini

Fabrizio Ronga

Denis Nadalin

Efrem Pasciuti

Raffaella Ventrice