The use of the BICTA platform generates fundamental benefits for Small and Medium Enterprises.

Time saving

All repetitive manual tasks are replaced by an automated process. This allows employees to focus on strategic tasks with high added value.

Error containment

By eliminating the need for manual data entry, the risk of human error is reduced, ensuring greater accuracy in financial records.

Financial accuracy

SMEs can have a clear view of their financial situation, tracking their cash flows more accurately and promptly.

Cost reduction

The costs associated with the manual management of payments and the resolution of any discrepancies are reduced, helping to improve the profitability of the company.

Risk management optimisation

The ability to quickly identify any anomalies in cash flows allows SMEs to reduce the risk of fraud or loss of money due to accounting errors.

Faster access to financial information

With quick access to up-to-date financial information, SMEs can make more informed decisions about their business.
BICTA platform: significant advantages for every sector